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  • Tire Valve

    Date: 2020/04/08 | Categories: Company News

    Tire Valves are the main parts of auto repair parts and one of the main products sold by our company. At present, there are many manufacturers producing valves, but with different quality . When choosing a manufacturer, we need choose a trustworthy factory. Recently, a customer who had pre...
  • How should the tire valve be maintained and how often should it be replaced?

    Date: 2020/04/02 | Categories: Company News

    When you go to maintain your car, I believe that you will see a small inflated mouth on the tire, called the tire valve. Despite its small size, it is no less effective than a tire. The small valve is an important part to guard the gas in the tire. Its main function is to inflate and deflate t...
  • The work started after the special time!

    Date: 2020/03/25 | Categories: Company News

    As the domestic situation is getting better, our company also starts to work in the office to improve the cohesion of everyone.   Everyone came back to start disinfection and cleaned the office actively and orderly. When I was working, I learned that new cases have started to increase ...
  • Introduction Of Valve Extension

    Date: 2020/03/20 | Categories: Company News

    Tire valve extension , also know as “ Flexible valve extension” is widely used all of the word . It is often seen in the tire repair shop, factory and variety of vehicles . It is often seen in the emergency repairing of tires . The tire valve extension is mainly used to assist tire inflation ....
  • How to use the valve effectively?

    Date: 2020/03/16 | Categories: Company News

    For the user, whether he chooses a tire valve or other types of products in the market, the user hopes that the product he chooses can have a very good use effect in the process of use, and this can also reflect The value of the product itself. However, how can we ensure the effectiveness of t...
  • Tire seal strip order

    Date: 2020/03/10 | Categories: Company News

    On December 16, 2019, we received an inquiry from the Nigerian customer about the tire seal strip on the official website. The customer needed 100 cartons tire seal strip. According to customer requirements, we recommend brown, black; 4mm and 6mm diameter tire seal strips to customers, and inform...
  • Begin working!

    Date: 2020/03/07 | Categories: Company News

    Our company has started to work recently. But when we go to work, don't take relax and please also stay alert. Recently, the goods have begun to be prepared and shipped. We also maintain that all goods must be disinfected before leaving the factory. Workers must wear masks and wash their h...
  • Got the order in one day

    Date: 2020/03/03 | Categories: Company News

    I received a vulcanizing machine inquiry from a Swiss customer on Wednesday, and the customer was very clear about the product they wanted. After receiving the customer's inquiry, we also respond to the customer in a timely manner to confirm the style and quantity with the customer. However, t...
  • tire valve factory back to work latest news

    Date: 2020/03/02 | Categories: Company News

    Under the effective control of the Chinese government and people, the outbreak in China has been effectively controlled. At present, some factories in the south of China have backed to work. Many factories in the north have also submitted applications for resumption to the government. Shengshiwei...
  • Fifth day of delivery

    Date: 2020/02/22 | Categories: Company News

    The Spring Festival holiday has passed. After coordinating with government agencies, shipments have begun. The fifth day of shipment has started. Every day is very busy. I also expect customers to receive the goods as soon as possible. Thank you for your trust in us. tire valve delivery packag...
  • Delivery issues caused by new coronary pneumonia

    Date: 2020/02/18 | Categories: Company News

    Due to the delayed working, some customers who intend to order after the holiday also pay attention to the epidemic situation, and are particularly concerned about the issue of order production and shipment. Regarding these issues, our response is to believe in China and the Chinese governmen...
  • Follow-up customer case analysis during outbreak

    Date: 2020/02/18 | Categories: Company News

    During the Spring Festival, China ushered in a nationwide epidemic—coronavirus. The epidemic started from Wuhan city, Hubei Province, and spread rapidly throughout the country. Due to the timely control of the regional governments, no large-scale infection was caused, and most of them were concen...

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